Where we started

First President of the SASES from 1990 -1995

The idea to from a special interest group for the Shoulder and Elbow surgeon in South Africa first started at the time of the 4th ICCS meeting in New York in 1989. The first recognized meeting of SASES was held in Durban, South Africa in September 1990

It was attended by Don Mackenzie, Thys de Beer, Joe de Beer; in the presence of Bob Cofield whose contribution has been recorded by Don Mackenzie as follows:

“It was Bob Cofield who was the real impetus for the formation of the SASES”.

 The father of shoulder surgery in South Africa is generally recognized as Don Mackenzie. He was also President of the SAOA in 1989 and 1990.


SASES is a subspeciality group of the SAOA


Currently: 72 members


It was the first Shoulder and Elbow Society formed in Africa

The aims of the Society

1. The advancement of the standard of shoulder and elbow surgery in South Africa by contact and discussion amongst the members of the Society

2. To aid and stimulate interest in the problems encountered with regard to the shoulder and elbow in medical practice

3. To form educational links with international bodies with similar interests

Membership of the society is for

Persons who hold a recognised higher surgical degree or qualification

Who are members of the South African Orthopaedic Association in good standing

And who have recognised training in the principles and practice of shoulder and elbow surgery or who have acquired a comparable standard of training by virtue of extensive experience or who, through their work or research, have contributed to shoulder and elbow surgery in South Africa

The 6th ICSS Meeting in Cape Town - 1995

In 1995, at the 6th ICSS meeting held in Helsinki and Stockholm, the bid to host the ICSS in Africa for the first time was awarded to the South Africa

The 8th International Congress of Shoulder Surgery was hosted in Cape Town from 23rd - 26th April 2001 and attended by more than 700 delegates from 49 different countries